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Tarrah Writes

Welcome to my cozy little website! I just wanted to make a space to share anything writing related, whether that be from my previous testimony book I published, blog posts I may want to write, or even possibly future books!

I have always loved and excelled in writing. I've always been big on getting my words out best over writing them down, either by pen and paper or by typing it out. Some people think that writing things down can make situations worse, but I think in most situations it's a great tool to help get you out of your own mind..a little escape. 

If you've made it here, thank you!  I hope you all take a minute to browse around, read some stuff, and let me know your input.  I'd love to hear any feedback! 

Happy Reading!

One of my many passions is writing books, reading books, and blogging mostly focusing on faith-based topics. My mission is to spread positivity and inspiration through our words, nurturing a vibrant online community that shares the same values. 


Metamorphosis by Tarrah Schultz

My current favorite worship song:
Another Surrender-Women Evolve Worship ft. Naomi Raine

For it is by Grace you have been saved
-Ephesians 2:8

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